Story Plant Limited is delighted to announce that it has successfully retained Gold on the Network Rail Route to Gold scheme.
This is a huge achievement that acknowledges the hard work and commitment of the Story Plant team, with the award recognising the efforts of every colleague involved in the delivery of services across the UK.
The Route to Gold initiative rewards Plant suppliers for their service of providing reliable plant on the Network Rail managed infrastructure, as well as sharing best practice with the industry, engaging in root cause analysis, and showing an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement.
The Network Rail team were keen to emphasise the quality and openness of the Story Plant team’s reporting; the team received praise for the transparency and detail in which they declare failures and the actions they employ to resolve them. This is an area in which the Story Plant team are seen as being at the forefront of the industry in the Route to Gold scheme.
Emma Porter, Story Plant Managing Director, said: “The fact we have been able to retain our Gold status is a great achievement and is down to the application of all the teams within Story Plant, thank you to the full team for making this happen. I am proud of the transparency with which our teams operate and I am keen that we continue to use the data and analysis available to us from the system to continue to improve our service and reliability.”
James Helm, Project Manager, Network Rail Plant Reliability, said: “As one of our key National plant suppliers in the rail industry, Story Plant has always been at the forefront of demonstrating best practice in the utilisation of the Rail Plant Performance System and sharing their continuous improvement with transparency and professionalism. With a consistently strong performance in demonstrating excellent behaviours through declared failures, failure investigations, and sharing best practice, taking into account all measurables, Story retains its Gold Award. Very well done.”